Publication list

Bibliography (1985- )

Sälj aktierna, skänk vinsten! Sydsvenska Dagbladet 25.10.1985.
[Sell the stocks, give away the profit!].

Kristen i atomåldern, Svensk Kyrko Tidning 81, 46, 1985, 655f.
[Being Christian in the Nuclear Age].

Som när ett barn kommer hem, S:t Johannes församlingsblad 90, Malmö 1985, 3.
[As a child comes home].

Fred och skapelse, Svensk Kyrko Tidning 82, 12-13, 1986, 181f.
[Peace and Creation].

Gudsbild och skapelsetro, Svensk Kyrko Tidning 83, 10, 1987, 134-136.
[The image of God and faith in creation].

Vågar man hoppas? Fred & framtid 7, 1987.
[May one hope?]

Kyrkorna inför krig och fred/De lutherska och reformerta kyrkorna i Tyskland, in: Leif Herngren, Fred under korset, Stockholm 1988, 122-126.
[The churches when faced with war and peace/The Lutheran and Reformed Churches in Germany].

Kan de kristna förenas för skapelsens framtid? Tidningen Broderskap 8-7, 1988.
[Can Christians conjoin for the future of the creation?].

Världens dagordning är även kyrkans agenda, Tidningen Broderskap 36, 1988, 7.
[The agenda of the world is even the agenda of the church].

Martyrium till synes meningslöst, S:t Johannes församlingsblad 97, Malmö 1988, 4.
[Martyrdom – apparently meaningless].

Motståndets teologi, [Review of] Manfred Hofmann, Bolivien und Nicaragua: Modelle einer Kirche im Aufbruch, Münster 1987, Kyrkfack 3, 1988, 118-120, and Svensk Kyrko Tidning 84, 46, 1988, 625-627.
[Theology of resistance].

(Ed. with Gunborg Blomstrand), Tiden är inne – ekumenisk teologi i uppbrott, (KISArapport 5/1989), Uppsala 1989, (181 pps.). [The time has come – Ecumenical theology awakening].

Andens liv vid Öresund, in: Tiden är inne, 96-108. [The life of the Spirit at Öresund].

Tid att se – tid att bryta upp, [with Per Håkansson], in: Tiden är inne, 170-174. [Time to see – time to break up].

[Co-author of] Kairos Sverige, in: Missionsorientering 143, 2, 1989, (64 pps.).
(Engl. transl. Kairos Sweden: Invitation to a Swedish Kairos Process, Lund: Lunds stift och Institutet för kontextuell teologi 1991).

Icke-våldets vägar i en splittrad värld, Svensk Kyrko Tidning 85, 6, 1989, 74f.
[Paths of non-violence in a fragmented world].

Mot en asketisk världskultur, Tidningen Arbetet 4.9.1989.
[For an ascetic world culture].

Kyrkomötet i Basel 1989 ”Fred och rättvisa omfamnar varandra”, Fredsbulletinen, Lunds stift 1989, 11-13.
[The Church Council in Basle 1989 “Peace and Justice Embracing Each Other”].

JPIC-konferens i Basel, Fred & framtid 7, 1989, 6f.

I dialog med befriande teologi, [Review of] Per Frostin, Liberation Theology in Tanzania and South Africa: A First World Interpretation, Lund 1988, Svensk Kyrko Tidning 85, 16, 1989, 216f. [In dialogue with liberating theology].

Teologi underifrån utmanar västvärlden, [Review of] Per Frostin, Liberation Theology in Tanzania and South Africa: A First World Interpretation, Lund 1988, Tidningen Broderskap 36, 1989, 8. [Theology from below challenges the Western world].

Kyrkans diakoni i ortodox belysning – en utmaning till ekumenisk nyreflektion, Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 66, 3, 1990, 116-121.
[Diaconia of the Church in the light of Orthodoxy – A challenge to ecumenical rethinking].

Bekännelsen och vårt ansvar för rättvisa, fred och skapelsens integritet, Svensk Kyrko Tidning 86, 19-20, 1990, 262-264.
[The creed and our responsibility for justice, peace and the integrity of creation].

Bergen 1990: En enad ekologisk rörelse, Fred & framtid 6, 1990.
[Bergen 1990: A united environmental movement].

Uppbrott mot en ny kultur? Tidningen Arbetet 31.12.1990, 3.
[Breakup to a new culture?].

Teologiska samtal i ekologiska landskap, [Review of] Günter Altner (Hrsg.), Ökologische Theologie, Stuttgart 1989, Tro & Liv 2, 1990, 29-33.
[Theological conversations in ecological landscapes].

Vilken Gud trodde Lewi Pethrus på? [Review of] Carl-Gustav Carlsson, Människan, samhället och Gud: Grunddrag i Lewi Pethrus kristendomsupp¬fattning, Lund 1990, Tidningen Broderskap 39, 1990, 6f.

Rättfärdigheten i Bibeln, [Review of] Bo Johnson, Rättfärdigheten i Bibeln, Göteborg 1985, Kyrkornas U-forum bulletin 6, 1990, Fred & framtid 8, 1990, 27.

Allt eller intet, [Review of] Anne-Marie Thunberg, ”Allt eller intet”? Människan i kosmos, Kyrkornas U-forum bulletin 6, 1990, Fred & framtid 8, 1990, 27.

[Review of] Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Patristic Inculturation: Medieval Foremothers and Feminist Theology, in: Feministteologi idag, (Religio 30) Lund 1989, Meddelanden från Collegium Patristicum Lundense 5, 1990, 52-55.

Kom Ande, vår syster – befria naturen, Tro & Liv 4, 1991, 12-15.
[Come, sister Spirit, liberate nature].

Andliga är ondskans rot och rörelse – en detalj i änglaläran hos Gregorios av Nazianz i ljuset av det moderna förnuftets kris, in: Florilegium Patristicum: Festskrift till Per Beskow, Delsbo 1991, 19-39.
[Spiritual is evil’s root and movement – A detail in Gregory of Nazianz’ doctrine of the angels in the light of the crisis of modern reason].

Att yla med vargarna eller beta med fåren, Kyrkornas U-forum bulletin 5, 1991, Fred & framtid 6-7, 1991, 10f. [Howling with the wolves or gazing with the sheep].

JPIC i Estland: Militarism och natur, skola och kyrka, Hela jorden 4, 1991, 6f.

På de fattigas sida, [Review of] Deane William Ferm: På de fattigas sida – Befrielseteologier i Asien, Afrika och Latinamerika, Tro & Liv 5/6, 1991, 39-41. [On the side of the poor].

[Review of] Frederick W. Norris, Faith gives fullness to reasoning: the five theological orations of Gregory Nazianzen, (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae XIII), Leiden 1991, Meddelanden från Collegium Patristicum Lundense 6, 1991, 26-29.

(Ed.) De nedtystades Gud – diakoni för livets skull, Stockholm: Proprius 1992, (199 pps.).
[The God of the Silenced – Diaconia for the sake of life].

De nedtystades kyrka, in: De nedtystades Gud, 71-97.
[The church of the silenced].

Det osynliggjorda blir synligt: Om konsten, smärtan, sanningen och tron, in: De nedtystades Gud, 124-148. [What has been made invisible becomes visible: On arts, pain, truth and faith].

(Ed. with Per Frostin, Christopher Meakin och Per Erik Persson), Ekumeniken och forskningen: Föreläsningar vid den nordiska forskarkursen “Teorier och metoder inom forskning om ekumenik” i Lund 1991, Nordiska Ekumeniska Rådet: Uppsala 1992, (251 pps.).
[Ecumenism and Research].

Efterskrift, in: Ekumeniken och forskningen, 239-249, [with med Christopher Meakin].

Administrationen i de heligas gemenskap – Kan kyrkans Gemeinschaft och kyrkans Gesellschaft bli en, helig, allmännelig och apostolisk? in: Sven-Erik Brodd (ed.), Kyrkosyn och administration, (Tro & Tanke 1992:5), Uppsala 1992, 153-173. [Administration in the community of the saints].

Naturens rättigheter – teologiska perspektiv på naturens egenvärde i en rättsgemenskap av allt levande, Vår Lösen 6-7, 1992, 379-396.
[The rights of nature – Theological reflections about the intrinsic value of nature in a legal community of all living].

Nordiska systematikerkonferensen 1992, Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 1/1992, 47f.

Kairos Europa – de nedtystades röst, En värld 3-4/1992, 23.

Om att gå i ett mörker, [Review of] Thomas Bernhard, Helt enkelt komplicerat: Och andra texter, Översättning Daniel Birnbaum, Anders Olsson, Stockholm 1991, in: Helig vrede: Årsbok för Kristen Humanism 1992, Stockholm 1992, 145f. [About walking in the dark].

Varje liv är värt att leva, [Review of] Günter Altner, Naturvergessenheit: Grundlagen einer umfassenden Bioethik, Darmstadt 1991, Social debatt 4/1992, 273-276.
[Every life is worthy to live].

[Review of] Vappu Pyykkö, Die griechischen Mythen bei den großen Kappadokiern und bei Johannes Chrysostomos, (Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Series B Tomus 193), Turku 1991, Meddelanden från Collegium Patristicum Lundense 7, 1992, 24-26.

Gregory of Nazianzen’s Theological Interpretation of the Philosophy of Nature in the Doctrine of the Four Elements, in: Elizabeth A. Livingstone (ed.), Studia Patristica Vol. XXVII, Leuven 1993, 3-8.

Bör naturen tillerkännas rättigheter? Rättsliga, etiska och teologiska aspekter i ljuset av ett konkret förslag, Retfærd 61, 2, 1993, 22-36.
[Should one ascribe nature rights? Legal, ethical and theological aspects in the light of a concrete proposal].

Administration in the Communion of Saints: Can the Church as Gemeinschaft and as Gesellschaft become One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic? in: Sven-Erik Brodd (ed.), Stewardship: Management, Ethics, Ecclesiology, Church of Sweden Research Department: Uppsala 1993, 193-212.

Varför bildkonsten och trostolkningen vet något om världen, Vår Lösen 5/6 1993, 325-332.
[Why visual art and theology know something about the world].

Die Welt als Ware oder Haushalt? Die Wegwahl der trinitarischen Kosmologie bei Gregor von Nazianz, Evangelische Theologie 53, 5, 1993, 460-470.

Kärleken till den fattiggjorda naturen och miljödiakonin, Medlemsblad från Institutet för kontextuell teologi 2, 1993, 3-6. [Love to the impoverished natures and environmental diaconia].

Preface to: Ulrich Duchrow, Europa i världssystemet 1492-1992: Finns det en väg till rättvisa efter 500 år av plundring, förtryck, penningdyrkan och penningacku¬mu¬la¬tion? (Skrifter från Institutet för kontextuell teologi 1), Lund 1993, 7-11.

[Review of] Jürgen Moltmann, Der Geist des Lebens: Eine ganzheitliche Pneumatologie, München 1991 / Michael Welker, Gottes Geist: Theologie des Heiligen Geistes, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1992 / Jon Sobrino, Geist, der befreit: Lateinamerikanische Spiritualität, Freiburg 1989, Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 69, 1, 1993, 40-42.

Den sociala rättvisans kyrkohistoria, [Review of] Alf Tergel, Kyrkan och tredje världen, Tro & Liv 52, 6, 1993, 30-32. [Church history of social justice].

[Review of] Norbert Brox, Erleuchtung und Wiedergeburt: Aktualität der Gnosis, Meddelanden från Collegium Patristicum Lundense 8, 1993, 19f.

[Review of] Carl F. Hallencreutz, Tredje världens kyrkohistoria, Meddelanden från Collegium Patristicum Lundense 8, 1993, 30f.

[Review of] J. Rebecca Lyman, Christology and Cosmology: Models of Divine Activity in Origen, Eusebius and Athanasius, Meddelanden från Collegium Patristicum Lundense 8, 1993, 36-38.

(Ed. with Carl Reinhold Bråkenhielm), Kontextuell livstolkning: Teologi i ett pluralistiskt Norden, (Religio 43), Lund 1994.
[Contextual Life Interpretation– Theology in the Pluralist Nordic Countries].

“Landskapet har gått under i dammet” – Den moderna bildkonstens naturbild utmanar kulturteologin, in: Kontextuell livstolkning, 57-90.
[“The landscape has perished by dust” ¬– The challenge of modern art to cultural theology].

Diskursiv bioetik – för offrens skull, in: Uno Svedin and Anne-Marie Thunberg (eds.), Miljöetik – för ett samhälle på människans och naturens villkor, Miljödepartementet/ Forskningsråds-nämnden: Stockholm 1994, 68-89. [Discoursive Bioethics – for the sake of the victims].

Naturens värde och människans vördnad: Varför man bör tillerkänna naturen dess rättigheter, in: Retfærd 65, 2, 1994,76-86.
[Nature’s value and humans’ dignity: Why one should ascribe nature its rights].

I förbund med processteologin? [Review of] Roald E. Kristiansen, Økoteologi, Fredriksberg 1993, Kirke og Kultur 99, 1, 1994, 92-94.

[Review of] Sallie McFague, The Body of God: An Ecological Theology, London 1993, Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 70, 2, 1994, 85-87.

Att genom bilder finna kors, [Review of] Friedhelm Mennekes/Johannes Röhrig (Hrsg.), Crucifixus: Das Kreuz in der Kunst unserer Zeit, Freiburg/Basel/Wien 1994, [and] Eugene Monick, Sexuality and Disease in Grünewald’s Body of Christ, Dallas 1993, Vår Lösen 6/1994, 447-455.

Preface to: Per Frostin, Teologi som befriar – efterlämnade texter, (Religio 41), Lund 1994, 7f.

Preface to: Ulrich Duchrow/Martin Gück, Att hushålla för livet: Efter 50 år med ”Bretton Woods-systemet” som gjort de fattiga fattigare och de rika rikare, (Skrifter från Institutet för kontextuell teologi 2), Lund 1994, 7.

Miljö i religionsvetenskap, in: Lillemor Lewan (ed.), Miljöaspekter: en antologi som underlag för integrering och vidare utveckling inom eget ämne i grundutbildningen vid Lunds universitet, (Miljövetenskapligt Centrum vid Lunds universitet), Lund 1994, 80-82.

Geist, der Natur befreit: Die trinitarische Kosmologie Gregors von Nazianz im Horizont einer ökologischen Theologie der Befreiung, Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag: Mainz 1995, (522 pps.).

(Ed. with Göran Eidevall), Upptäckter i kontexten: teologiska föreläsningar till minne av Per Frostin, (Skrifter från Institutet för kontextuell teologi 3), Lund 1995, (208 pps.). [Discoveries in the context: Theological lectures in memory of Per Frostin].

Preface to [with Göran Eidevall], Upptäckter i kontexten, 7-9.

Natursyn och gudsbild: om teologins betydelse för miljövetenskapen, Tvärsnitt 17, 4, 1995, 40-51. [Image of nature and image of God: On theology’s significance for environmental science].

Ekonomi för offrens skull – de nedtystades Gud, in: Ad Lucem 5-6/1995, Tidskrift för kultur och livsåskådning utg. av Finlands Kristliga Studentförbund, 15-21. [Economy for the sake of the victims – the God of the silenced].

Gregory Nazianzen’s Trinitarian Cosmology in the Horizon of an Ecological Theology of Liberation, in: VIII International Congress “Interaction of science, philosophy and theology in the creation of a new ecological thinking,” St. Petersburg 1995, 105-108.

Biblisk motmakt till världskapitalismen, [Review of] Ulrich Duchrow: Alternativen zur kapitalistischen Weltwirtschaft: Biblische Erinnerung und politische Ansätze zur Überwindung einer lebensbedrohenden Ökonomie, Mainz 1994, Tro & Liv 54, 6, 1995, 25f.
[Biblical countervailing power against world capitalism].

En teologi för vår tid? [Review of] Sallie McFague: Gudsbilder i en hotfull tid, Stockholm 1994, Tro & Liv 54, 6, 1995, 31-34. [A theology for our time?].

History of mission – history of liberation? in: Aasulv Lande and Werner Ustorf (eds.), Mission in a Pluralist World, (Studies in the Intercultural History of Christianity 97), Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main 1996, 81-104.

Världen som vara eller hushåll? Gregorios av Nazianz’ trinitariska kosmologi i ett vägval, Meddelanden från Collegium Patristicum Lundense 11, 1996, 19-28.

Predikoutkast: Fastlagssöndagen, Svensk Kyrko Tidning 92, 5, 1996, 45f.

Predikoutkast: Askonsdagen, Svensk Kyrko Tidning 92, 6-7, 1996, 60f.

Predikoutkast: 1. Söndagen i Fastan, Svensk Kyrko Tidning 92, 6-7, 1996, 61f.

Folkens plan för det 21. århundradet: en rapport från ett asiatiskt folkrörelsemöte i Kathmandu, Kontexten 3, 2/1996, 10-13.

Naturens eller kyrkans överlevnad – eller både och? [Review of] David G. Hallman (ed.), Ecotheology: Voices from South and North, WCC: Geneva/Orbis: Maryknoll 1994, and Viggo Mortensen (ed.), Concern for Creation: Voices on the Theology of Creation, Svenska kyrkans forskningsråd: Uppsala 1995, (Tro & Tanke 1995:5), Tro & Liv 55, 2, 1996, 21-26.

[Review of] Henning Thomsen (ed.), Du som går ud fra den levende Gud: Bibelteologiske og teologihistoriske overvejelser over helligånden, (Festskrift till Lars Thunberg), Århus 1993, Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 72, 2, 1996, 88f.

Den som tar boken till sitt hjärta, [Review of] Lena Johannesson and Birgitta Qvarsell (eds.), Den olydiga boken: Om lättläst-bokens kommunikativa rum, Tema Kommunikation: Linköpings universitet 1995, Vår Lösen 87, 7/1996, 615f.

“Niemand kann zwei Herren dienen …” – Theologie der Natur zwischen Gott und Mammon: Zusammenfassung, in: „Schwarzbrot, Salz und Sahnehäubchen“ – Anstösse zur Zukunft der Kirche aus der Festwoche vom 21.-27. April 1996, 30 Jahre Haus der Kirche, 20 Jahre Evangelisches Bildungswerk, Evangelisches Bildungswerk Berlin, Dokumentation 103/96, 73f.

Gud i funktion – en orientering i den kontextuella teologin, (167 pps.), Stockholm: Verbum 1997. (The book was also published by the Swedish Library Service as audiobook for visually impaired people). [God in Context – A Survey of Contextuel Theology].

Geist, der lebendig macht – Lavierungen zur ökologischen Befreiungstheologie, (336 pps.), Verlag für Interkulturelle Kommunikation (IKO): Frankfurt am Main 1997.

“I viddas favn” – naturumgänget, gudsbilden och platsen i den regionala konsten, in: Eli Høydalsnes (ed.), Kunst og regional identitet, Tromsø 1997, 13-37. [“Embraced by wideness/tundra” – natur practice, image of God and place in regional arts].

Kulturmiljöetik – för de kommande generationernas skull, Nordisk arkitekturforskning, 3/1997, 10-34. [Ethics of cultural environments – For future generations].

Så främmande det lika: Den eko- och etnologiska utmaningen till bildkonsten och teologin, Kirke og Kultur 6/1997, 519-541. [So strange the same: the eco- and ethnological challenge of visual art and theology].

Geist, der Natur befreit, (Summary), in: Fönster mot forskningen 3, (Tro & Tanke 1997:2), Svenska Kyrkans Forskningsråd: Uppsala 1997, 22-24.

Gud ur funktion i etiken? [Review of] Göran Bexell/Carl-Henric Grenholm, Teologisk etik – en introduktion, Verbum: Stockholm 1997; Svein Aage Christoffersen, Handling og dømmekraft: Etikk i lys av kristen kulturarv,Tano: Oslo 1994; Göran Möller, Etikens landskap: etik och kristen livstolkning, Arena: Stockholm 1995, Kirke og Kultur 2/1997, 187-192.
[Is God out of work in ethics?].

“Varje människa är en konstnär,” [Review of] Ann-Charlotte Weimarck, Joseph Beuys och sökandet efter den egent¬liga livskraften, Symposion: Stockholm/Stehag, 1995; Friedhelm Mennekes, Joseph Beuys: Christus DENKEN – THINKING Christ, Verlag Katholisches Bibelwerk: Stuttgart, 1996; Friedhelm Mennekes, Triptychon: Moderne Altarbilder, Insel: Frankfurt am Main/Leipzig 1995, Vår Lösen 5-6/1997, 427-432. [“Every human is an artist”].

“Livet er for kort til at kredse omkring gamle sår,” [Review of] Lissi Rasmussen, Diapraksis og dialog mellem kristne og muslimer – i lyset af den afrikanske erfaring, Aarhus universitetsforlag: Århus 1997, Kontexten 8, 1997, 10f.

[Review of] Hans Belting, Bild und Kult: Eine Geschichte des Bildes vor dem Zeitalter der Kunst, C. H. Beck: München 1990, 2nd ed. 1991, Meddelanden från Collegium Patristicum 1997, 45f.

Das Fremde wahrnehmen: Die öko- und ethnologische Herausforderung der Bildkunst und Theologie, in: Wolfgang Erich Müller and Jürgen Heumann (eds.), Kunst-Positionen: Kunst als gegenwärtiges Thema evangelischer und katholischer Theologie, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 1998, 96-120.

(Ed. with Carl Reinhold Bråkenhielm), VARDAGSKULTURENS TEOLOGI i nordisk belysning, Stockholm: Nya Doxa 1998, (352 pps.).
[Theology of ordinary life in a Nordic theological perspective].

“Cold Cradle of Stone, Warm Soft Arms” – Cultural Landscape in Sápmi, in: Sölve Anderzén and Roald E. Kristiansen (eds.), Ecology of Spirit: Cultural Plurality and Religious Identity in the Barents Region, (Alphabeta Varia: Album Religionum Umense 6), Umeå 1998, 100-109.

Entry “Gustaf Aulén,” Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart (RGG) Vol. 1, 4th ed.

Erde, die sich erneuert oder Für eine kom-post-moderne Theologie, in: BRIEFE zur Orientierung im Konflikt Mensch-Erde, hrsg.v. Kirchlichen Forschungsheim Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Heft 48, 1998, 6-11.

[Review of] Lars Thunberg, Microcosm and Mediator: The Theological Anthropology of Maximus the Confessor, Second Edition, Open Court: Chicago and La Salle, Illinois, 1995, Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 2/1998, 90-91.

[Review of] Tiemo Rainer Peters, Johann Baptist Metz: Theologie des vermißten Gottes, (Theologische Profile), Mainz: Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag 1998, Junge Kirche 6-7/1998, 404-406.

Teologi i världssystemet? (Editorial), Kontexten 9/1998, 1.

Om att bli en kyrka “med ögon att se,” in: Visby stifts tryck med bidragen till Visby stifts prästmöte 1997.

Duch, osvobozdajuscij prirodu (Geist, der Natur befreit: Die trinitarische Kosmologie Gregors von Nazianz im Horizont einer ökologischen Theologie der Befreiung), in Russian, with a postscript by E. Arinin, I. Kanterov et alt., Pomor State University Press, Arkhangelsk, Russia 1999.

“ … auf die Hoffnung hin, daß auch das Geschaffene selbst befreit werden wird …” – Die Erlösungs¬bedürftigkeit der Natur als Voraussetzung der Zusammen¬arbeit von Umwelt-wissenschaft und Theologie im Konflikt zwischen dem Optimismus und Pessimismus, in: Niels Henrik Gregersen, Michael Parsons and Christoph Wassermann (eds.), The Concept of Nature in Science and Theology II, Studies of Science and Theology, vol. 4, 1996 (publ. 1999), Geneva: Labor et Fides, 144-153.

“Ich bin hier mit ihnen, und dort” – Eine Verflechtung der samischen Bildwelt Ulrika Tapios mit der Reflexion der Ritualisierung, Hybridisierung und interkulturellen Kunsttheologie, in: Thomas Schreijäck (ed.), Menschwerden im Kulturwandel: Kontexte kultureller Identität als Wegmarken interkultureller Kompetenz/Initiationen und ihre Inkulturationsprozesse, Luzern: Edition Exodus 1999, 474-512.

[Review of] Johann Baptist Metz, Zum Begriff der neuen Politischen Theologie: 1967-1997, Mainz: Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag 1997; Lissi Rasmussen, Diapraksis og dialog mellem kristne og muslimer – i lyset af den afrikanske erfaring, Århus: Aarhus universitetsforlag 1997; Sturla J. Stålsett, The crucified and the Crucified: A Study in the Liberation Christology of Jon Sobrino, Dissertation vid Oslo universitet 1998; Elina Vuola, Limits of Liberation: Praxis as Method in Latin American Liberation Theology and Feminist Theology, (Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia, Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Humaniora Nr. 289), Helsinkin: Academia Scientiarum Fennica 1997, Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 75, 2/1999, 90-92.

[Review of] Robert J. Schreiter, The New Catholicity: Theology between the Global and the Local, Maryknoll: Orbis 1997, (Die neue Katholizität: Globalisierung und die Theologie, (Theologie Interkulturell 9), Frankfurt am Main: IKO – Verlag für inter¬kultu¬relle Kommunikation 1997, 226 sid.), Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 75, 4, 1999, 174-175.

Vid vilken Gud fäster vi vårt förnuft? Apofatiska och humanekologiska perspektiv på det religiösa språket, Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 76, 1, 2000, 48-52. [Which God do we commit our reason to? Apophatic and human ecologic perspectives of religious language].

“I begynnelsen var bilden …” om bildkonst, religion och esteticering, in: Fyra dagar om bild och vetande i förändring 23-26 mars 1999, Konstfack, Institutionen för bildpedagogik, Rapport # 2/2000, Stockholm: Konstfack 2000, 27-41. [“In the beginning was the Icon” On visual arts, religion and aestheticization].

So fremd das Gleiche: Wie eine interkulturelle Theologie der Befreiung mit dem Fremden über die Alterität hinaus denken kann, in: Sybille Fritsch-Oppermann (ed.), Das Antlitz des Anderen: Emmanuel Lévinas Philosophie und Hermeneutik als Anfrage an Ethik, Theologie und interreligiösen Dialog, Loccumer Protokolle 54/99, Loccum 2000, 57-97.

Vilken Gud? Jimmie Durhams ”Jesus” och Iver Jåks’ ”Homo Sapiens” i alienitetsteologisk belysning, in: Kropp og sjel: Festskrift til Olav Hognestad, Trondheim: Tapir 2000, 203-220. [Which God? Jimmie Durham’s “Jesus” und Iver Jåks’ “Homo Sapiens” in an alienation-theological perspective].

Entry “Nathan Söderblom”, in: Metzler Lexikon christlicher Denker, ed. by Markus Vinzent, Stuttgart/Weimar: J.B. Metzler 2000, 636.

Gud blir synlig i lidande och kors: bildlig empati i Bodil Kaalunds ”Grønlands pietà”, in: Tack och lov! Bodil Kaalund, (exhibition catalogue), Nordiska akvarellmuseet 22.11.2000-4.3.2001, Skärhamn 2000. [God becomes visible in suffering and the cross: educating empathy in Bodil Kaalund’s “Grønlands pietà”].

[Review of] Miroslav Volf, Trinität und Gemeinschaft: Eine ökumenische Ekklesiologie, Mainz/Neukirchen-Vluyn: Grünewald/Neukirchener 1996, (After Our Likeness: The Church as the Image of the Trinity, (Sacra Doctrina 1), Grand Rapids: Eerdmans 1998), Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 76, 2, 2000, 114f.

Estetiken i rockfickan, [Review of] Julian Nida-Rümelin and Monika Betzler (eds.), Ästhetik und Kunstphilosophie von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Stuttgart: Alfred Kröner Verlag 1998, Vår Lösen 91, 1/2, 2000, 139f.

Varför krävs någonting? [Review of] Svein Aage Christoffersen, Etikk, eksistens og modernitet: Innføring i Løgstrups tenkning, Oslo: Tano Aschehoug 1999, Kirke og Kultur 105, 4, 2000, 382-384.

Tecken och under – en luthersk semiotik, [Review of] Trond Skard Dokka, Som i begynnelsen – Innføring i kristen tro og tanke, Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk 2000, Kirke og Kultur 105, 4, 2000, 379-381.

(Ed.), “Man får inte tvinga någon” – autonomi och relationalitet i nordisk teologisk tolkning, Nora: Nya Doxa 2001, (329 pps.) [“One must not force anyone” – autonomy and relationality in Nordic theological interpretations].

Rättvisan och de/t främmande: En konstteologisk betraktelse av Iver Jåks’ “nagler i rom” i ljuset av Theodor W. Adornos rättvise-estetik, in: “Man får inte tvinga någon,” 119-132. [Justice and the Strange/r].

“Ich kenne ihre Leiden. Darum bin ich herniedergestiegen …“ – Das neue Paradigma der kontextuellen Theologie, Studia Theologica 55, 1, 2001, 4-22.

Kristusbilden i kontext – och tvärsigenom: Något om att tolka bilder och om att tolka Gud i bild tvärsigenom Australien, Kina och Sápmi, in: Renate Banschbach Eggen and Olav Hognestad (eds.), Kristusbilder: Kristustolkninger i nyere bildende kunst, film og i klasserommet, (UniTRel studieserie nr. 31), Trondheim: Religionsvitenskaplig institutt 2001,7-36.

Gottesliebe – Armenliebe: Zur Herausforderung der Globalisierung an die kontextuelle Theologie nach dem Colloquium 2000, Junge Kirche 2/2001, 65-70.

Nidaros-Manifestet – Et utkast (with Lars Berge), (on behalf of the chairs of the national Norwegian regions of Sør-Trøndelag and Nord-Trøndelag and the Bishop of Trondheim for the regional environmental conference 2001), Kirke & Kultur 4/2001, 291-299.

Transculturality and Tradition – Renewing the Continuous in Late Modernity,
(Contribution at the Conference ”2000 Years of Christian Culture and Ethnoses of the Barents Region”, Pomor State University 20.-24.9.2000, Arkhangelsk, Russia), (in Russian in the volume “Candle” ed. by Evgeny Arinin et alt, Arkhangelsk University Press 2001, 13-18).

[Review of] Lars Thunberg, Människan och kosmos: Maximos bekännarens teologiska vision, Skellefteå: Artos 1999, Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 77, 2, 2001, 87f.

Raum und Gerechtigkeit: Ethische Perspektiven eines großräumigen Umweltschutzes, in: D. Hahlweg/D.-P. Häder/S. Bergmann/O. Seewald/J. Bauer/O. Aßmann/A. Sperling, Großräumiger Umweltschutz, hrsg. v. Verein für Ökologie und Umweltforschung, (Umwelt: Schriftenreihe für Ökologie und Ethologie 28), Wien: Facultas-Verlag 2002, 33-58.

“Och Ordet blev konst …” – Transkulturellt bildskapande och kristendomens indigenisering i Peru, d i n – Tidsskrift for religion og kultur, 2-3/2002, 85-95, [“And the word becme art” – Transcultural production of art and Christianity’s indigenization in Peru].

Gudomliggörande visioner, [Review of] Lars Thunberg, Den gudomliga ekonomin:
Fornkyrkliga perspektiv, Skellefteå: Artos 2001; Paul Evdokimov, Den dåraktiga
gudskärleken, urval, översättning och efterord av Lars Thunberg, Skellefteå: Artos 2001; Lars Thunberg, Spanat och mottaget: Valda dikter 1957-1999, i urval och med efterord av Lennart Sjögren, Stockholm: Proprius 2001, Kirke og Kultur, 4/2002, 408-12.

[Review of] Carl Reinhold Bråkenhielm and Torsten Pettersson (eds.), Modernitetens ansikten: Livsåskådningar i nordisk 1900-talslitteratur, Nora: Nya Doxa 2001,Kirke og Kultur, 4/2002, 412-414.

[Review of] Halvor Moxnes (ed.), Jesus – år 2000 efter Kristus, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 2000, Norsk Teologisk Tidsskrift 4/2002, 256-257.

God in Context: A Survey of Contextual Theology, (with foreword by Mary C. Grey), Aldershot: Ashgate 2003, (155 pps.), [new ed. London: Routledge 2017].

I begynnelsen är bilden … – En befriande bild-konst-kultur-teologi, Stockholm: Proprius 2003, (233 pps., 61 ill.), [In the beginning is the Icon – A liberative theology of images, arts and culture], (The book was also published by the Swedish Library Service as audiobook for visually impaired people).

Kan kyrkor flyga? Arkitekturens liturgi i estetisk och teologisk belysning, in: Å. Selander (ed.), Liturgi och språk, (Årsbok för Svenskt Gudstjänstliv 78), Skellefteå: Artos/Norma 2003, 88-110, [Can churches fly? Architecture’s liturgy in an aesthetic and theological perspective].

Rum och rättvisa, Kirke og kultur 2-3/2003, 273-278, [Space and justice].

Entry “Pneumatology” in: Encyclopedia of Science and Religion, ed. by J. Wentzel Vrede van Huyssteen, New York: Macmillan 2003, vol. 2.

[Review of] Tuija Numminen, God, Power and Justice in Texts of Simone Weil and Dorothee Sölle, Åbo 2001, Åbo Akademis Förlag, 221, Norsk Teologisk Tidskrift 2/2003, 120.

(Ed. with Cristina Grenholm), MAKT – i nordisk teologisk tolkning, (Relieff no 44), Tapir Akademisk Forlag: Trondheim 2004,(292 pps.). [POWER – in Nordic theological interpretation].

Makt att se, synliggöra och bli sedd: Den visuella kulturens utmaning till teologin, in: MAKT, 99-130. [Power to see, to visualize and to be seen: The challenge of visual culture to theology].

Transculturality and Tradition – Renewing the Continuous in Late Modernity, Studia Theologica: Scandinavian Journal of Theology 58, 2, 2004, 140-156.

Space and Justice in Eco-Spirituality, in: V. N. Makrides and J. Rüpke (eds.), Religionen im Konflikt: Vom Bürgerkrieg über Ökogewalt bis zur Gewalterinnerung im Ritual, Münster: Aschendorff 2004, 212-225.

«… och de kände inte igen honom» Om förhållandet mellan de/t främmande och de/t egna i bildkonsten och teologin, Norsk Teologisk Tidsskrift 105, 2, 2004, 100-118. [“ … and they did not recognise him” – On the relation between the strange/r and one’s own in visual art and theology].

Samisk bildkonst: Meddelande vid Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs akademimöte den 13. oktober 2003, in: Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab: Forhandlinger 2003, Trondheim: Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab 2004, 127-131, [Sami visual art: Contribution to the session of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters (DKNVS)).

Nature, Religion and Worldview – Global, Aesthetical and Spatial Perspectives, (Russian text), in: E. Arinin (ed.), Science and Religion, Vladimir: Vladimir State University 2004, 43-59.

Ånd, (Danish text), in: K. Busch Nielsen and C. Grenholm (eds.), Det virker alt den Ånd: Nordiske teologiske tolkninger, København: Anis 2004, 83-215. [Spirit].

Bör jag älska min nästa? Fem etiska problem i globaliseringen, in: May Torseth (ed.), Globalisering og etikk, Trondheim: Program for anvendt etikk, NTNU 2004, 33-45. [Should I love my neighbor? Five ethical problems in globalization].

Entry “Skandinavien, Theologie in: III. Norwegen,” in: Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart (RGG): Handwörterbuch für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft, 4th ed., Vol. 7, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2004, 1372-1375.

Arbeitslos in Norwegen, Junge Kirche 65, 4, 2004, 31-31. [Unemployed in Norway].

Creation Set Free: The Spirit as Liberator of Nature, (Sacra Doctrina: Christian Theology Postmodern Age Vol. 3), Grand Rapids MN: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company 2005, (with a preface by J. Moltmann), (388 pps.).

(Ed.), Architecture, Aesth/Ethics and Religion, Frankfurt am Main/London: IKO-Verlag für interkulturelle Kommunikation 2005, (230 pps.).

Space and Spirit: Towards a Theology of Inhabitation, in: Architecture, Aesth/Ethics and Religion, 45-103.

(Ass.ed.), The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature, London/New York: Continuum 2005, 2 volumes, (1877 pps.).

Four entries in Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature, ed. by Bron Taylor et al., London/New York: Continuum 2005:
Altner, Günter (1936-), in: The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature, 37.
Architecture, in: The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature,104-105.
Christianity in Europe, in: The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature, 381-383.
Composting, in: The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature, 407.

“Space is Conceived in the Spirit,” Considerations of Space and Religion, Land and Indigenous Arts / Kulturnoe I prirodnoe nasledie Evropeiskogo Severa [Cultural and Natural Heritage of the European North], in: Sbornik/ Otv., N.M. Terebikhin, E.F. Shatkovskaya; Pomorskiy gos. un-t. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Arkhangelsk: Pomorskiy University 2005, 512-521.

“Jorden är Herrens”: Spiritualitet, rättvisa och estetik i eko-teologisk belysning, in: A. Runesson and T. Sjöholm (eds.), Varför ser ni mot himlen? Utmaningar från den kontextuella teologin, Stockholm: Verbum, 150-180. [“The Earth Is the Lord’s”: Spirituality, justice and aesthetics in the light of ecotheology].

Biblisch-theologische Annäherungen … aus der Schöpfungsperspektive, in: Wirtschaft(en) im Dienst des Lebens: Leitfaden für ein künftiges Engagement für gerechten, lebensdienlichen Frieden, Optionen zur Umsetzung der Beschlüsse von Freising und Porto Alegre, Heidelberg: Kairos Europa 2005.

Religion, Culture, and God’s Here and Now: Contextual Theology in Dialogue with Social Anthropology, Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 81, 2, 2005, 67-76.

“De har ögon och ser inte …” – Religionspedagogikens utmaning att tolka Gud i bild, in: Organ för RPI Arbetsgemenskapen för Religionspedagogik, Lund 2005.

Ernst M. Conradie, Towards an Agenda for Ecological Theology: An Intercontinental Dialogue – A Response from Norway, Ecotheology 10, 315-317.

Atmospheres of Synergy: Towards an Eco-Theological Aesth/Ethics of Space, Ecotheology 11, 326-356.

Editorial, Ecotheology 11, 261-267.

Revisioning Pneumatology in Transcultural Spaces, in: Sturla J. Stålsett (ed.), Spirits of Globalisation: The Growth of Pentecostalism and Experiential Spiritualities in a Global Age, London: 2006, 183-197.

Gott als Befreiungsbewegung der Schöpfung, Junge Kirche: Unterwegs für Gerechtigkeit, Frieden und Bewahrung der Schöpfung 67, 23-26. [God as Creation’s Liberation Movement].

Stiklestad – upplevelse av sig själv eller mötet med spåren av det förflutna? Est/etiska och religionsvetenskapliga perspektiv, in: Stiklestad og andre minnesteder. Foredrag i 2004 og 2005, Stiklestad: Stiklestad Nasjonale Kultursenter, 19-36. [Stiklestad – experiencing oneself or encountering the traces of the Past? Perspectives from Aesthethics and Religious Studies].

God Taking Place in Urban Space: Revisioning Pneumatology in Atmospheres of Life-Giving Liberation, in: Spirit and Spirituality: Proceedings of the 15th Nordic Conference in Systematic Theology, Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen 2007, 39-58.

Andens ekologi – i teologisk och estetisk belysning, in: Baard Maeland and Tom Sverre Tomren (eds.), Økoteologi: Kontekstuelle perspektiver på miljø og teologi, Trondheim: Tapir 2007, 67-86. [The Ecology of the Spirit – in the light of theology and aesthetics].

Theology in its Spatial Turn: Space, Place and Built Environments Challenging and Changing the Images of God, Religion Compass 1, 3, 2007, 353-379.

Technology as Salvation? Critical Perspectives from an Aesth/Ethics of the Spirit, European Journal of Science and Theology 4, 2007, 5-19.

Att tolka Gud i bild: Bildkonstens utmaning till kyrkan och teologin, Tromsø: Praktisk kirkelig årbok 2007, 157-170.

European Forum for the Study of Religion and the Environment, Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 83, 1, 2007, 41.

(Rewiew of) Peter Hanns Reill, Vitalizing Nature in the Enlightenment, Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture 1, 4, 2007, 527-529.

(Ed. with Tore Sager), The Ethics of Mobilities: Rethinking Place, Exclusion, Freedom and Environment, Aldershot: Ashgate 2008, (292 pps).

(Ed. with Thomas Hoff and Tore Sager), Spaces of Mobility: The Planning, Ethics, Engineering and Religion of Human Motion, London: Equinox 2008, (274 pps.).

The Strange and the Self: Visual Arts and Theology in Aboriginal and Other (Post-) Colonial Spaces, in: O. Bychkov and J. Fodor (eds.), Theological Aesthetics After Von Balthasar, Aldershot: Ashgate 2008, 201-223.

“It can’t be locked in”: Decolonising processes in the arts and religion of Sápmi and aboriginal Australia, in: Sturla J. Stålsett (ed.), Religion in a globalised age, Oslo : Novus Press, 2008, 81-101.

Entry “Geertz, Clifford James,” in: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL) Volume XXIX, Verlag T. Bautz 2008, columns 494-501.

Lived Religion in Lived Space, in: Lived Religion: Conceptual, Empirical and Practical-Theological Approaches – Essays in Honor of H.-G. Heimbrock, Leiden: Brill 2008, 197-209.

Making Oneself at Home in Environments of Urban Amnesia: Religion and Theology in City Space, International Journal of Public Theology 2, 2008, 70-97.

Eco-Citizenship, Technology and Aesth/Ethics, Madang: International Journal of Contextual Theology in East Asia 8, 2008, 131-161.

Der Geist unserer Zeit: Zur Verwandlung von Schöpfung, Wissenschaft und Religion im Klimawandel, Salzburger Theologische Zeitschrift 1, 2008, 27-47.

In the Beginning is the Icon: A Liberative Theology of Images, Visual Arts and Culture, London: Equinox 2009, (320 pps.).

Så främmande det lika: Samisk konst i ljuset av religion och globalisering, Trondheim: Tapir 2009, (452 pps.). [So Strange the Same: Sami visual art in the light of religion and globalization].

(Ed.) Theology in Built Environments: Exploring Religion, Architecture & Design, New Brunswick/London: Transaction 2009, (2nd edition 2011), (314 pps.).

God’s here and now in built environments: Introductory remarks on architecture as theology, in: Theology in Built Environments, 9-22.

Transfiguring Reality: Surfaces, signs and metamorphoses in Johannes Schreiter’s window in the Grunewald church, in: Theology in Built Environments, 209-222.

Can Churches Fly? The liturgy of arcitecture: an aesthetic and theological perspective, in: Theology in Built Environments, 281-310.

(Ed. with Kim, Yong-Bock), Religion, Ecology & Gender: East-West-Perspectives, (Studies in Religion and the Environment 1), Berlin: LIT 2009, (210 pps.).

(With Kim, Yong-Bock), Environmental Change Changes Religion: Introductory Remarks, in: Religion, Ecology & Gender, 1-5.

Ecological Geomancy: Earth Energy and the Wisdom of Spatial Design, in: Religion, Ecology & Gender, 147-174.

(Ed. with P. Scott et al.), Nature, Space & the Sacred: Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Farnham and Burlington VT: Ashgate 2009, (340 pps.).

Editorial (with Peter M. Scott, Maria Jansdotter Samuelsson, and Heinrich Bedford-Strohm), in: Nature, Space & the Sacred, 1-8.

Introductory Remarks, in: Nature, Space & the Sacred, 9-16.

Invoking the Spirit amid Dangerous Environmental Change, in: K. Bloomquist (ed.), God, Creation and Climate Change: Spiritual and Ethical Perspectives, Geneva: The Lutheran World Federation 2009, 159-174.

Im Geist (v)ermessen wir den Raum: Streifzüge durch die Ästh/Ethik der Landschaft, in: Arnd Heling (ed.), Brot und Fisch: Leben für die Ostsee, (Schriftenreihe des Vereins zur Förderung der Sommeruniversität Ratzeburg für die nachhaltige Entwicklung im Ostseeraum), Schenefeld: EB-Verlag 2009, 232-244.

Breathing Despair and Redemption: Towards a Trinitarian Aesth/Ethics of Lived Space, in: L. Adrianos, K. Kenanidis and A. Papaderos (eds.), ECOTHEE: Ecological Theology and Environmental Ethics: Proceedings, Kolympari, Crete, Greece, Orthodox Academy of Crete (OAC, June 2-6, 2008), Chania: Orthodox Academy of Crete (OAC), 2009, 23-32.

Energie als Gabe oder Ware? Zur Ambivalenz von Wachstum, Markt und Technik im Klimawandel / Energy – Gift or Commodity? About the Ambivalence of Growth, Market and Technology in the Times of Climatic Change, in: Energy Talks Ossiach 2009, Liberalisation: Quo vadis? Sympos Veranstaltungsmanagement GmBH, Wien 2009, 32-40.

Climate Change Changes Religion: Space, Spirit, Ritual, Technology – through a Theological Lens, Studia Theologica – Nordic Journal of Theology 63, 2, 2009, 98-118.

Religion in dangerous environmental change, Presentation at the congress “CLIMATE CHANGE: GLOBAL RISKS, CHALLENGES AND DECISIONS”, 10–12 March 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark; IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 6 Session 57 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 6 572019, 2009.

I horisontens atmosfærer: En vandring i Hardy Brix’, Britta Marakatt-Labbas og Odd Marakatt Sivertsens levende landskab, (Exhibition catalogue), Lemvig: Museet for religiøs kunst 2009, Museet Holmen 2010, 26-37. [In atmospheres of the horizon].

Gelebte Religion im gefährlichen Umweltwandel, Arnoldshainer Akzente 2009.

Teknologi som religion i klimaforandringen, Samtiden 2009.

Raum und Geist: Zur Erdung und Beheimatung der Religion – Eine theologische Ästh/Ethik des Raums, (Research in contemporary religion Vol. 7), Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2010, (240 pps.).

(Ed.), Religion som rörelse: Exkursioner i rum, tro och mobilitet, Trondheim: Tapir 2010, (189 pps.). [Religion als Bewegung: Exkursionen im Raum, im Glauben und in der Mobilität].

I skärningen: En inledande navigation mellan rum, religion och rörelse, in: Religion som rörelse, 9-23. [At the intersection].

Accelerationens lag eller långsamhetens lov? Betraktelser över religion som rörelse, in: Religion som rörelse, 25-68. [The law of acceleration of the praise of slowness? Considerations of religion as movement].

(Ed. with Dieter Gerten), Religion in Dangerous Environmental and Climate Change: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on the Ethics of Climate and Sustainability, (Studies in Religion and the Environment 2), Berlin: LIT 2010, (247 pps.).

(With D. Gerten), Religion in Climate and Environmental Change: Towards a Symphony of Voices, Memories and Visions in a New Polycentric Field, in: Religion and Dangerous Environmental and Climate Change,1-12.

Dangerous Environmental Change and Religion: How Climate Discourse Changes the Perception of our Environment, the Spiritual Fabrication of its Meaning and the Interaction of Science and Religion, in: Religion in Dangerous Environmental and Climate Change, 13-37.

Life Breathing on Us: Three painted landscapes by Hardy Brix, in: Religion and Dangerous Environmental and Climate Change, 57-59.

Trinitarian Cosmology in God’s Liberating Movement: Exploring some signature tunes in the “opera of ecologic salvation”, Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology 14, 2-3, 185-205.

In the Spirit through the Son to the Father …: Four Considerations about the Trinity’s Space and Movement in a Creation to “be liberated from its bondage to decay,” International Journal of Orthodox Theology 1, 2, 2010, 18-28.
Im Geist durch den Sohn zum Vater…Vier Überlegungen zum Bewegungsraum des Dreieinigen in einer Schöpfung, die auf ihre „Erlösung harrt,“ International Journal of Orthodox Theology 1, 2, 2010, 29-39.

Religion im Umweltwandel, Junge Kirche: Unterwegs für Gerechtigkeit, Frieden und Bewahrung der Schöpfung 71, 1, 2010, 16-18.

Religion im gefährlichen Umweltwandel: Zur Herausforderung der Beheimatung im Raum, in: Arnd Heling (ed.), Der Ostseeraum und seine Wälder: Nachhaltigkeit im Zeichen des Klimawandels, München: oekom 2010, 232-245.

I tillitens väntrum: Människan som människans fascination i Roy Anderssons film “Du levande” och Tage Kurténs teologiska livstolkning, in: Mot bättre vetande: Festschrift till Tage Kurtén på 60-år-dagen, ed. by. M. Lindfelt et al., Åbo: Åbo Akademi 2010, 1-20. [In the Anteroom of Trust: The human as the human’s fascination in Roy Andersson’s film “You the Living” and Tage Kurtén’s theological life interpretation].

(Ed. with Dieter Gerten), Religion in Global Environmental and Climate Change: Sufferings, Values, Lifestyles, New York/London: Continuum 2011, (269 pps.).

Facing the Human Faces of Climate Change, (with D. Gerten),in: Religion in Global Environmental and Climate Change, 3-15.

(Ed. with Heather Eaton), Ecological Awareness: Exploring Religion, Ethics and Aesthetics, (Studies in Religion and the Environment 3), Berlin: LIT 2011, (263 pps.).

Awareness Matters: Introductory Remarks about the Interwoven Gifts of Life and Belief (with H. Eaton), in: Ecological Awareness, 1-6.

Aware of the spirit: in the lens of a trinitarian aesth/ethics of lived space, in: Ecological Awareness, 23-39.

“I am the space where I was”: Design and Religion as Modes of Making-oneself-at-home in the Past and Future of Postmetropolis, in: Eva Löfgren (ed.), Kulturarvsdesign: Dokumentation av en temadag, Länsstyrelsen i Västra Götalands län, Kulturmiljöenheten 2011, Rapportnr. 2011:56.

Preface, in: Tarjei Rønnow, Saving Nature: Religion as Environmentalism, Environmentalism as Religion, (Studies in Religion and the Environment/Studien zur Religion und Umwelt 4), Berlin: LIT 2011.

“Now the Spirit dwells among us …”: The Spirit as Liberator of Nature in the Trinitarian Cosmology of Gregory of Nazianz, in: Ernst M. Conradie (ed.), Creation and Salvation – Volume 1: A Mosaic of Selected Classic Christian Theologies, (Studies in Religion and the Environment/Studien zur Religion und Umwelt Vol. 5), Berlin: LIT 2012, 38-55.

The Crystal of Salvation in Creation – A Postscript, in: Ernst M. Conradie (ed.), Creation and Salvation – Volume 2: A Companion on Recent Theological Movements, (Studies in Religion and the Environment/Studien zur Religion und Umwelt Vol. 6), Berlin: LIT 2012, 391-393.

Religion in the Built Environment, in: Liliana Gómez and Walter van Herck (eds.), The Sacred in the City, London/New York: Continuum 2012, 73-95.

Fetishism Revisited: In the Animistic Lens of Eco-pneumatology, Journal of Reformed Theology 6, 2012, 195-215.

Entry “Scandinavia, Theology in – Norway”, in: Religion Past & Present, Volume XI (Reg-Sie), ed. by H.D. Betz et al, Leiden: Brill 2012, 459-460.

Entry “Environmental Theology”, in: Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions, ed. by Nina P. Azari and Anne Runehov, Dordrecht: Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2012, 744-751.

Anden, som ger liv – motmakt till fetischismen, Kirke & Kultur 3/2012, 269-277.

From Within and Without – Grete Refsum, The Golden Rule, 2008,
in: ArtWay 2012, .

(Review of) Markus Vogt. Prinzip Nachhaltigkeit: Ein Entwurf aus theologisch-ethischer Perspektive, Munich: oekom 2009, Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture 6, 2, 2012, 238-239.

(Review of) Birgit Cold, Her er det godt å være – om estetikk i omgivelsene, Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk Forlag og NTNU 2010, Nordic Journal of Architectural Research/Nordisk arkitekturforskning 24, 2, 2012.

(Review of) Ole Jensen, På kant med klodens klima: Om behovet for et ændret natursyn, København: Anis 2011, Teologisk Tidsskrift 4/2012, 447-448.

(Ed. with Irmgard Blindow and Konrad Ott), Aesth/Ethics in Environmental Change: Hiking through the Arts, Ecology, Religion and Ethics of the Environment, (Studies in Religion and the Environment 7), Berlin: LIT 2013, (210 pps.).

(With Irmgard Blindow and Konrad Ott), The Sacred in and of Earth: Introductory Remarks on the Challenge of Integrating Aesthetics and Ethics for the Sake of Our Common Environment, in: Aesth/ethics in environmental change, 1-12.

“… THE SPACE WHERE I AM” Decolonising, Re-sacralising and Transfiguring Landscapes through the Aesth/ethic Lens, in: Aesth/ethics in environmental change, 39-70.

Raum, Gerechtigkeit und das Heilige: Skizzen zur Umweltästh/ethik, in: M. Vogt et al (eds.), Wo steht die Umweltethik? Argumentationsmuster im Wandel, Weimar bei Marburg: Metropolis 2013, 227-234.

“Life-Giving Breath: Ecological Pneumatology in the Context of Fetishization”, Ecumenical Review 65, 1, 2013, 114-128.

Woran können wir glauben? Religiöse Praktiken im Anthropozän. Norddeutscher Rundfunk [Radio] 2013.

Religion, Space, and the Environment, New Brunswick/London: Transaction, (2nd edition 2016), (with a preface of Celia Deane-Drummond) (498 pps.).

(Ed. with E. Conradie, C. Deane-Drummond and D. Edwards), Christian Faith and the Earth: Current Paths and Emerging Horizons in Ecotheology, London/New York: Bloomsbury 2014, (272 pps.).

(With E. Conradie, C. Deane-Drummond and D. Edwards), Discourse on Christian Faith and the Earth, in: Christian Faith and the Earth,1-10.

Where on Earth does the Spirit “take place” today? Considerations on Pneumatology in the Light of the Global Environmental Crisis, in: Christian Faith and the Earth, 51-64.

The Raw Within: Tracing the Raw in Human Life Through Bricks, Roy Andersson’s You, The Living and Ernst Barlach’s Beggar on Crutches, in Solveig Bøe, Hege Charlotte Faber, and Brit Strandhagen (eds.), Raw: Architectural Engagements with Nature, Farnham: Ashgate 2014, 167-183.

(Review of) Grace Ji-Sun Kim, Colonialism, Han, and the Transformative Spirit, New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2013, Studies in religion 43, 2, 2014, 337-338.

(Ed. with C. Deane-Drummond and B. Szerszynski), Technofutures: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Nature and the Sacred, Farnham: Ashgate 2015, (306 pps.).

(With C. Deane-Drummond and B. Szerszynski) Introduction, in: Technofutures, Nature and the Sacred, 1-13.

‘Millions of machines are already roaring’: Fetishised technology encountered by the life-giving spirit, in: Technofutures, Nature and the Sacred, 115-137.

(Ed. with M. Luccarelli), Spaces in-between: Cultural and Political Perspectives on Environmental Discourse, (Studies in Environmental Humanities 2), Leiden: Brill Rodopi 2015, (206 pps.).

(With M. Luccarelli) Reconsidering Environment: Spatial Contexts and the Development of the Environmental Humanities, in: Spaces in-between, 3-23.

Making Oneself at Home in Climate Change: Religion as a Skill of Creative Adaptation, in: Stanley Brunn (ed.), The Changing World Religion Map: Sacred Places, Identities, Practices and Politics, Heidelberg and New York: Springer 2015, (3936 pps. 889 illus., 677 illus. in color. With In 5-volumes), Vol. 1, 187-201.

Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Religion, in: Emma Tomalin (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Religions and Global Development, New York/London: Routledge 2015, 389-404.

“I Anden genom Sonen till Fadern …: Fyra reflektioner över den Treeniges rörelserum i en skapelse som väntar på sin befrielse”, in: Trinitarisk tro og tenkning: Festskrift till Svein Rise, ed. by Gunnar Innerdal and Knut-Willy Sæther, Kristiansand: Portal Forlag, 29-40.

Places of Encounter with the Eschata: Accelerating the Spatial Turn in Eschatology, in: Embracing the Ivory Tower and Stained Glass Windows: A Festschrift in Honor of Archbishop Antje Jackelén, ed. by Jennifer Baldwin, (Issues in Science and Religion: Publications of the European Society for the Study of Science and Theology Vol. 1), Heidelberg: Springer 2015, 71-79.

The Legacy of Trinitarian Cosmology in the Anthropocene: Transcontextualising late antiquity theology for late modernity, Studia Theologica – Nordic Journal of Theology 69, 1, 2015, 1-13.

Discerning the ‘Sacred Within’, Faith & Form: The Interfaith Journal on Religion, Art, and Architecture 48, 2, 2015, 32-32.

(Review of) Forrest Clingerman and Mark H. Dixon (eds.), Placing Nature on the Borders of Religion, Philosophy and Ethics, Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2011, Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture 9, 1, 2015, 125-126.

(Review of) Hans-Günter Heimbrock: Das Kreuz: Gestalt, Wirkung, Deutung, Teologisk Tidsskrift 1/2015, 112-114.

(Review of) Jochen Ostheimer and Markus Vogt (eds.), Die Moral der Energiewende: Risikowahrnehmung im Wandel am Beispiel der Atomenergie, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2014, Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, Ecology 19, 1, 2015, 90-93.

(Review of) Theo Sundermeier: Für ein offenes Jerusalem: Palästinensisch-christliche Kunst heute, Teologisk Tidsskrift 1/2015, 100-103.

Religion as a Creative Skill in Environmental Change – Exploring the Entanglement of Images of God, Nature, and the Sacred, The Rachel Carson Center, Macking Tracks Series, 2015-02-08: .

[Guest editor of] Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, Ecology, Special Issue “Spatial Turns,” Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, Ecology 20, 3, 2016, 215-323.

Spatial turns in the study of religion and the environment: Impulses for the acceleration of a place-based discourse in the environmental humanities, Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, Ecology 20, 3, 2016, 215-224.

Luce Nordica E Architettura Sacra: Uno Sguardo Attraverso Una Lente Teologica
[Nordic light and sacred architecture – through a theological lens], in: E. Bianchi, S. Bergmann, S. Calatrava Valls, D. Coutagne, J. A. Felix de Carvalho, B. Daelemans, A. Dall’Asta, D. Forconi, A. Gerhards, G. Gresleri, A. Lameri, Ph. Markiewicz, Á. J. de Melo Siza Vieira, J.-P. Sonnet, M. Struck, P. Tomatis, Architetture Della Luce: arte spazi, liturgia, Communitá di Bose, Magnano: Edizioni Qiqajon 2016, 143-161.

Beheimatung: Making-oneself-at-home with the Spirit, in: John Rodwell and Peter Manley Scott (eds.), At Home in the Future: Place & Belonging in a Changing Europe, (Studies in Religion and the Environment/Studien zur Religion und Umwelt 11), Berlin: LIT 2016, 65-79.

Is there a future in the age of humans? A critical eye on the narrative of the anthropocene, Consortium for the Study of Religion, Ethics, and Society Forum Spring 2016, Indiana University, .

Architectures of light – a conference report, Faith & Form: The Interfaith Journal on Religion, Art, and Architecture 49, 1, 2016.

(Review of) George, Mark K. and Pezzoli-Olgiati, Daria (eds.): Religious Representation in Place. Exploring Meaningful Spaces at the Intersection of the Humanities and Sciences. New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2014, Theologische Literaturzeitung 141, 10, 2016, 1126-1128.

(Review of) Christof Hardmeier and Konrad Ott, Naturethik und biblische Schöpfungs-erzählung: Ein diskurstheoretischer und narrativ-hermeneutischer Brückenschlag, (Nature ethics and biblical creation story: Bridging the gap through discourse theory and narrative hermeneutics), Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer 2015, Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, Ecology 20, 3, 2016.

(Ed. with C. Deane-Drummond and M. Vogt), Religion in the Anthropocene, Eugene: Wipf & Stock 2017, (338 pps.).

The Future of Religion in the Anthropocene Era, (with C. Deane-Drummond and M. Vogt), in: Religion in the Anthropocene, 1-15.

Religion at work within climatic change: Eight perceptions about its where and how, in: Religion in the Anthropocene, 67-84.

Der sakrale Ort als kritischer Ort: Skizzen zur befreienden Ästh/Ethik heiliger Räume und Atmosphären, in: Albert Gerhards und Kim de Wildt (eds.), Wandel und Wertschätzung: Synergien für die Zukunft von Kirchenräumen, Regensburg: Schnell & Steiner 2017, 279-305.

Developments in Religion and Ecology, in: Willis J. Jenkins, Mary Evelyn Tucker, and John Grim (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Religion and Ecology, London and New York, Routledge 2017, 13-21.

Sacred places as critical places, Faith & Form: The Interfaith Journal on Religion, Art and Architecture 50, 3, 2017, 24.

Rituals as places and movements – fabricating meaning, making-oneself-at-home, encountering the sacred, in: iai news, Philosophy for our times: Incisive articles on cutting edge ideas, The Institute of Art and Ideas, London, Tuesday 5th December 2017, .

Religion in the Anthropocene – a comment on Geneviève Pigeon’s review, (with C. Deane-Drummond and M. Vogt), in: Reading Religion (RR), website published by the American Academy of Religion (AAR), November 27, 2017: .

(Review of) Malte Dominik Krüger: Das andere Bild Christi, (Dogmatik in der Moderne 18), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2017, Teologisk Tidsskrift 6, 4, 2017, 344-346.


(Ed. with Forrest Clingerman), Arts, Religion and the Environment: Exploring Nature’s Texture, (Studies in Environmental Humanities, Volume 6), Leiden: Brill Rodopi 2018.

Introduction: Exploring Nature’s Texture (with F. Clingerman), in: Arts, Religion and the Environment, 1-14.

With-In: Towards an aesth/ethics of prepositions, in: Arts, Religion and the Environment, 15-42.

(Ed.), Eschatology as Imagining the End: Faith between Hope and Despair, (Routledge New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies), London/New York: Routledge 2018.

What Images of the Last Things Do to Us: Introductory Remarks on Why Eschatology Matters, in: Eschatology as Imagining the End, 1-29.

Time Turned into Space – At Home on Earth: Wanderings in Eschatological Spatiality, in: Eschatology as Imagining the End, 88-112.

At The Mercy of Sacred Waters: Sanctification, Fetishization, Permeation and Responsiveness, in: The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Nature: The Elements, ed. by L. Hobgood and W. Bauman, London: Bloomsbury 2018, 219-234.

Svenska Akademiens död och uppståndelse, in: Kyrkans Tidning, 18 April 2018, <;. [The Swedish Academy’s Death and Resurrection].

Kan någon avsluta detta löje? ETC Essä, in: ETC, 29 April 2018, <;. [Can anyone terminate this ridiculousness?].

Fem skäl att lägga ned Svenska Akademien, in: SVT Nyheter Opinion, 7 May 2018, <;. [Five reasons to depose the Swedish Academy].

[Review of] Joshua Coleman (ed.), Seeing and Being Seen: Aesthetics and Environmental Philosophy, Lanham: Hamilton 2018, in: Reading Religion published by the American Academy of Religion: <;.


The Spirit and Climate Change, in: T&T Clark Companion on Christian Theology and Climate Change, ed. by E. M. Conradie and H. Koster, London: Bloomsbury 2019, 497-508.

WetterLagenWeisheit: Zu Kunst und Religion im Klimawandel, in: Kunst und Kirche 82, 1/2019, 30-35.

I allmänhet eller i synnerhet? [Review of] Erik Blennberger, Carl Reinhold Bråkenhielm, Anders Jeffner (red.), Gudstro: Existentiella och intellektuella perspektiv, Stockholm: Verbum 2018, in: Jag kommunicerar – alltså finns jag, Förbundet Kristen humanism, Årsbok 81, Stockholm 2019, 117-118.

Minnesord om Per Erik Persson, [Obituary], (with P. Bexell, C.G. Carlsson, B. Kristensson Uggla, C. Meakin, A. Rasmusson, B. Sandahl, O. Sigurdson, R. Spjuth), Sydsvenskan 12 November 2019.


Weather, Religion and Climate Change, (Routledge Environmental Humanities), London and New York: Routledge 2020, 260 pps., 76 ill.

Rituals as Environmental Skills – Inhabiting Place, Fabricating Meaning, Enhancing Morality, in: Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach and Mădălina Diaconu (eds.), Environmental Ethics: Cross-cultural Explorations, Freiburg/München: Verlag Karl Alber 2020, 79-100.

Fetishized Nature or Life-giving Breath? Religion as Skill in Climate Change, in: Consensus: A Canadian Journal of Public Theology 41, 1/2020, Sustainability and Religion, Article 3: <;, and in: Mary Philip, Chad Rimmer and Tom S. Tomren (eds.), Religion, Sustainability and Education – pedagogy, perspectives, and praxis towards ecological sustainability, Steinkjer: Embla, 2020, 116-129, (e-book).

Transkulturelle Bild-Räume: Zur raum-und zukunftschaffenden Macht der Bilder im dekolonialen und ökologischen Kontext, in: Thomas Erne und Malte Dominik Krüger (Hg.), Bild und Text, (Hermeneutik und Ästhetik 2), Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2020, 250-275.

Foreword, in: Per Frostin, Liberation Theology in Tanzania and South Africa: A First World Interpretation, Pietermaritzburg, Cluster Publications, 2020 (Republication of: Per Frostin, Liberation Theology in Tanzania and South Africa: A First World Interpretation (Studia Theologica Lundensia 42), Lund: Lund University Press, 1988).

Att leva livet – mot eller i evigheten? [Review of ] Martin Hägglund, This Life: Secular Faith and Spiritual Freedom, New York: Anchor Books 2019, (Vårt enda liv, Stockholm: Volante 2020), forthcoming in: Förbundet Kristen humanism, Årsbok 82, Stockholm 2020.

Omvändelse fullt möjligt post corona, in: Kyrkans Tidning, 30 March 2020, <;. [Conversion entirely possible post corona].

“You have to change your life!” Our Common Post-Corona Future through a Swedish Lens, in: Seeing the Woods: A Blog by the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society (RCC), Munich, 18 May 2020, <;.

Byt ut ledningen för Folkhälsomyndigheten, in: Dagens Nyheter, 1 June 2020, <;. [Replace the Public Health Agency’s Leadership].

Sverige måste byta strategi mot viruset, in: Dagens Nyheter, 27 June 2020, <;. [Sweden must change its strategy against the virus].

Flockimmuniseringens oetiska experiment, in: Dagens Arena, (Arena Essä ) 28 July 2020, <;. [The unethical experiment of herd immunisation].

“Sweden’s experiment with herd immunity is unethical and undemocratic — and reveals an underlying political pathology”, ABC Religion & Ethics, 14 October 2020, <;.

“Om döendets konst”, Dagens Arena, 31 October 2020, <;, [On the Art of Dying].

“Wissenschaftler klagen an : „Schwedens Corona-Strategie hat Tausende unnötig das Leben gekostet“”, Interview, Tagesspiegel, Berlin, 16 November 2020, <;.

“Viruspolitik i en totalitär demokratur”, Dagens Arena, 13 December 2020, <;, [Virus Politics in a Totalitarian “Democrature”].

ETHICS OF SWEDENS PANDEMIC Part 1, Movie production, 18 October 2020, <;.

ETHICS OF SWEDENS PANDEMIC Part 2, Movie production, 5 December 2020, <;.

Co-author of:

“Sweden hoped herd immunity would curb COVID-19. Don’t do what we did. It’s not working,” USA Today, 21 July 2020, <;.

“Obegripliga inslaget i kampen mot pandemin: 27 läkare och forskare: Hur länge ska våra äldre behöva isolera sig?” Aftonbladet, 29 July 2020, <;.

“Coronaoron inför höstens skolstart är befogad”, Dagens Nyheter, Debatt, 17 August 2020,   <;.

“Feltänkt riskera livet på våra mest sårbara: 23 läkare och forskare: Minska smittan för våra äldre i stället”, Aftonbladet, 22 October 2020, <;.

“En ny förödande våg av smitta hotar – gör rätt nu”, Expressen, 29 October 2020, <;.

“Oacceptabelt att inte vidta kraftåtgärder när smittan nu ökar”, Göteborgs-Posten, 23 October 2020, <;.

Sveriges strategi mot covid håller inte längre, Öppet brev till partiledarna från 27 experter: Ni har ansvaret – agera nu”, Aftonbladet, 13 November 2020, <;.

“Anpassa strategin till andra nordiska länder”, Dagens Nyheter, Insändare, 15 November 2020, <;.


Contextual Theology: Skills and Practices of Liberating Faith, ed. with Mika Vähäkangas, (Routledge New Critical Thinking in Religion Theology and Biblical Studies), London and New York: Routledge 2021, 258 pps.

Doing Situated Theology: Introductory Remarks about the History, Method and Diversity of Contextual Theology, (with Mika Vähäkangas), in: Contextual Theology: Skills and Practices of Liberating Faith, London and New York: Routledge 2021, 1-14.

Theology in the Anthropocene – and Beyond? in: Contextual Theology: Skills and Practices of Liberating Faith, London and New York: Routledge 2021, 160-180.

Faith in Weather Lands: Towards the Earth as Ecocene, in: An Earthed Faith: Telling the Story amid the Anthropocene, Volume 1,  ed. by Ernst M. Conradie with Lai Pan-Chiu, Oregon: Wipf and Stock / Cape Town: Aosis 2021.

Navigating Ethics in a Pandemic – Contempt for the Weak vs. Love of Neighbour in a Swedish Lens, in: Dialog: A Journal of Theology, Volume 60, Issue 3, 2021, <;, (Open Access).

Naturens rättigheter – i en rättsgemenskap av allt skapat levande. En utredning på uppdrag av Svenska Kyrkans “Teologiska Kommitté”, 2020, [Rights of Nature – In a Legal Community of All Created Living], in: Har naturenrättigheter?Ett samtalsdokument från Svenska kyrkansteologiska kommitté, 2021, <; .

Att lära av misslyckanden kräver att man erkänner dem, in Altinget, 12 January 2021, <;, [Learning from failures requires to admit them].

Sverige bör ansluta sig till ett paneuropeiskt nollcovid-upprop, (with Sofia Breland, Andrew Ewing,Stefan Hanson, Alf Hornborg,Johanna Höög, Jan Lötvall,Bengt Nordén, David Steadson,Jens Stilhoff Sörensen, Anders Wahlin), in: Altinget, 18 April 2021, <;, [Sweden should join the pan-European call for no-covid].

• Pandemic 2.0 – Where do we go from here? The Delta variant and the young, (Gunhild Nyborg | Andrew Ewing | Yaneer Bar-Yam | Cécile Philippe | Matthias F. Schneider | Shu-Ti Chiou | Sunil Raina | Bengt Nordén | Sigurd Bergmann), Covid Section Group, August 19, 2021, <;.

• Skydda de unga från deltavarianten, (Gunhild Nyborg et al.), in: Expressen, 19 August 2021, <–fran-deltavarianten-/&gt;, [Protect the younger from the Delta variant].

• Børn og unge står over for større coronatrussel end tidligere, (Gunhild Nyborg et al.), in: Sundhedspolitisk Tidsskrift, 19 August 2021, <;, [Children and younger encounter a larger corona threat than before].

• Deltavarianten og de unge, (Gunhild Nyborg et al.), in: Klassekampen, 19 August 2021, <;, [The Delta variant and the younger].

• Eine Masseninfektion ist ethisch nicht vertretbar, (Gunhild Nyborg et al.), in: T-Online, 18 August 2021, <;, [A mass infection is ethically not acceptable].

Varför vägrar Folkhälsomyndigheten ge boosterspruta till uppenbara riskgrupper? in: Altinget, 16 November 2021, <;, [Why does the Public Health Agency refuse to offer booster vaccination to obvious risk groups?].

Vaccinera barn från fem år och använd munskydd, (with Andrew Ewing, Björn Olsen, Gunnar Steineck och Anders Vahlne), in: Dagens Nyheter, 28 November 2021, <;, [Vaccinate children from five years and use facemask].

Co-author of:

• Att öppna skolorna i januari är att ta mycket stora risker, in: Dagens Nyheter, 5 January 2021, <;, [Opening schools in January implies taking large risks].

• Trots vaccinerna riskerar covid att öka försprånget, in: Dagens Nyheter, 18 February 2021, <;, [In spite of the vaccines covid risks to increase its lead].

• Nej Anders Tegnell, munskydd hjälper inte bara på marginalen, in: Expressen, 3 March 2021, <;, [No, Anders Tegnell, facemasks do not help only at the margins].

• Vi var 22 oroade forskare som ville nå de politiskt ansvariga, in: Dagens Nyheter, 13 April 2021, <;, [We were 22 worried scholars who wanted to reach out to the politically responsible].

Det vi föreslår är inte radikalt: följ vad WHO, ECDC och CDC rekommenderar, in: Dagens Nyheter, 23 April 2021, <;, [What we suggest is not radical: follow what the WHO, ECDC and CDC are recommending].

• Risk att en fjärde covidvåg i höst drabbar främst barn, in: Dagens Nyheter, 2 June 2021, <;, [Risk that a fourth covid wave in autumn affects mostly children].

Våra siffror om dödsfall i covid bland barn är de officiella, in: Dagens Nyheter, 14 June 2021, <;, [Our figures about covid deaths among children är the official ones].

Viktigaste åtgärderna saknas mot coronaspridning i skolan, in: Dagens Nyheter, 21 August 2021, <;, [The most important measures against corona contagion are lacking in schools].

• Testa även fullvaccinerade som har luftvägsinfektion, in: Dagens Nyheter, 21 October 2021, <;, [Also fully vaccinated with respiratory infection should be tested].

• Har vi inte lärt oss någonting, Tegnell? in: Aftonbladet, 30 November 2021, <;, [Haven’t we learnt anything, Tegnell?].


Sigurd Bergmann and Martin Lindström (eds.), Sweden’s Pandemic Experiment, (The Politics of Pandemics Vol. 4), London: Routledge 2022, (Foreword by Peter Baldwin). (Forthcoming December 2022).

In the rupture between this and another world to come: Introductory remarks on pandemic emergency and Sweden’s response, (with Martin Lindström), in: Sweden’s Pandemic Experiment.

A timeline of events: December 2019 to February 2022, in: Sweden’s Pandemic Experiment.

Learning from failure: Mastering a pandemic in the triad of science, politics and trust, in: Sweden’s Pandemic Experiment.

Im theandrischen Raum – Atmosphären der Raumwerdung Christi, (with Eivind Kasa), in: Thomas Erne, Malte Dominik Krüger, Anna Niemeck (Hg.), Das Christusbild in der Gegenwart – eine Leerstelle auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Anschaulichkeit? Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 2022, 73-91.

Memoria Passionis Subversiva: The Moral Power of Remembrance in the Pandemic – in a Swedish lens, in: Dorothea Erbele-Küster and Volker Küster (eds.), Between Pandemonium and Pandemethics: Responses to Covid-19 in Theology and Religions, Leipzig: EVA 2022, 101-121.

Faith in Weather Lands: Towards an Ecocene Perspective, in: Ernst M. Conradie and Pan-Chiu Lai (eds.), An Earthed Faith: Telling the Story amid the ‘Anthropocene’, Volume 1: Taking a Deep Breath for the Story to Begin … , Cape Town: Aosis / Eugene OR: Wipf & Stock 2022, 49-71.

Wild Weather: Modes of Being-at-the-Mercy in Shelley’s Ode to the West Wind, Turner’s Snowstorm, and the Fiji House of the Spirits, in: Solveig Bøe, Hege Charlotte Faber and Eivind Kasa (eds.), Wild: Aesthetics of the Dangerous and Endangered, London: Bloomsbury Academic 2022.

Evaluation of science advice during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden, (with Nele Brusselaers (lead author), David Steadson, Kelly Bjorklund, Sofia Breland, Jens Stilhoff Sörensen, Andrew Ewing, and Gunnar Steineck), in: Nature/Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Volume 9, Article number: 91, 2022,, <;. 

The One at, around or with the Other: Ecotheological Considerations of the Spirit’s Life-Giving Power, in: Modern Believing Volume 63:4, Autumn 2022, 358-369.

Foreword, Per Frostin, Liberation Theology in Tanzania and South Africa: A First World Interpretation, Pietermaritzburg, Cluster Publications, 2022, (E-book republication of: Per Frostin, Liberation Theology in Tanzania and South Africa: A First World Interpretation (Studia Theologica Lundensia 42), Lund: Lund University Press, 1988).

[Book Review of] Peder Anker, The Power of the Periphery: How Norway Became an Environmental Pioneer for the World (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020), 285 pp., in: The Journal of Religion, Nature and Culture 16:4, 2022.

Co-author of:

• Varför använder vi inte det enklaste skyddet mot smitta? in: Expressen, 13 January 2022, <;, [Why do we not use the most simple protection against infection?].

• Om politikerna skyddar sig själva med munskydd, varför rekommenderar de inte folket att göra det? in: Dagens Nyheter, 1 February 2022, <;, [If politicians protect themselves with facemasks, why do they not recommend the people to do so?].


Sigurd Bergmann and Martin Lindström (eds.), Sweden’s Pandemic Experiment, (The Politics of Pandemics Vol. 5), Abingdon and New York: Routledge 2023, (Foreword by Peter Baldwin).

In the rupture between this and another world to come: Introductory remarks on pandemic emergency and Sweden’s response, (with Martin Lindström), in: Sweden’s Pandemic Experiment, 8-42.

A timeline of events: December 2019 to February 2022, in: Sweden’s Pandemic Experiment, 43-74.

Learning from failure: Mastering a pandemic in the triad of science, politics and trust, in: Sweden’s Pandemic Experiment, 127-168.

Wild Weather: Modes of Being-at-the-Mercy in Shelley’s Ode to the West Wind, Turner’s Snowstorm, and the Fiji House of the Spirits, in: Solveig Bøe, Hege Charlotte Faber and Eivind Kasa (eds.), Wild: Aesthetics of the Dangerous and Endangered, London: Bloomsbury Academic 2023, 163-180.

Religion, Materialism and Ecology, edited by Sigurd Bergmann, Kate Rigby and Peter Manley Scott, (Routledge Environmental Humanities), London and New York: Routledge 2023.

Introduction, Sigurd Bergmann, Kate Rigby, and Peter Manley Scott, in: Religion, Materialism and Ecology, 1-12.

Erkänn misstagen i pandemihanteringen, in: Altinget 27 April 2023. . [Acknowledge the faults in the pandemic management].

Walls, Weather and the Spirit in-between – Exercises in Border Thinking, (Keynote at the conference on “Borders and Boundaries”, 2023 Meeting of the Institute for American Religious and Philosophical Thought, Catholic Academy of Berlin, June 12-15, 2023), (unpublished).